Monday, October 28, 2024

AR-Land Comm: [Breaking] Bryant Behind ?

That certainly looks to be the case.

Back when we first mentioned, I wrote:

While I am reasonably sure that this fellow (?) isn’t really a 16th century Englishman plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament, I think the whole “just private citizens” is on the up-and-up based on a little extra digging that I did.  If so, I actually kind of admire the effort.

The “little extra digging” I mentioned was some behind-the-scenes IP tracking of the email I received from, which showed that the email had originated from Fidelity Information Services, Inc., here in Little Rock.  I had no real reason to suspect a connection between Bryant’s campaign and any particular person at Fidelity, so I naively (in retrospect) took everyone at their word on the matter. 

Now, via commenter joe mings, we learn that I may have been duped:

I don’t know what digging you did to find out who they were when you decided they were just regular citizens but the guy that runs it is working for Bryant. I’m not sure what sort of mail archiving they have turned on but all the received e-mail is stored in the uploads folder under the website. If you know how to look at the site in a folder structure, it’s easy enough to find. They’re not even encrypting it. Even if you can’t figure out how to look at the folder structure, if you know the e-mail address of someone that’s sent an e-mail to those bozos you can find it without even trying. You just have to replace the @ in the e-mail address with an _ and then just add a _X. They’re all in unencrypted text files. For instance, just paste and keep changing the number and you’ll see everything he’s sent. What a buch of morons. If that’s the group claiming to want to bring technical modernization to Arkansas and that’s the best they can do for security, I’m scared for the future.

True enough.  Now, we may be a lot of things at BHR, but one thing we are not is a mindless shill for the campaign of any candidate who we might endorse.  Like I said in this post:

BHR may be unabashed in our biases for or against certain candidates, but we still shoot for intellectual honesty, and we will absolutely admit when we are wrong about something.

To that end, after the jump, I present the rather damning emails.  Before I do, however, I should mention that BHR still backs Bryant in this race, and we are still convinced that he is the better candidate between the two.  These emails in no way change the myriad things wrong with Davenport, almost all of which are far more grave than pretending to know nothing about a site that you had some measure of control over.

First, from email number 5 (and containing emails 1 through 4 from the bottom up):

Subject: RE: test
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Sun, April 11, 2010 12:46 am
To: <>

Let me think about the endorsement.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: test
Date: Sun, April 11, 2010 12:36 am
To: LJ Bryant

Like either Berg or Davenport know how to turn on a
computer or what the Internet is.  If anyone asks I'll
 just tell people that I'm a "group of registered voters".
I'll wait to put your endorsement up on the website too.
Make it look like we thought long and hard before endorsing you.
Relax and don't worry about it.



Subject: RE: test
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Sun, April 11, 2010 12:31 am
To: <>

I just don’t want to get busted for this website.
Make sure you’re careful.  Maybe we should implicate Berg
 as masterminding the site.

Sent: Sun, April 11, 2010 12:16 am
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: test

I promise you it's going to help.  Trust me. 

Subject: RE: test
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Sun, April 11, 2010 12:13 am
To: <>

You need to correct the spelling on the “Arkansans
Against Greedy Monty Davenport” tag.  Other than
that it looks fine.  Keep me up to date on the number
of hits.  I hope this help.  I really really want to win
this election.  I appreciate your efforts. 

Sent: Sat, April 10, 2010 9:53 am
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: test

I started the hit counter at 4500 so it would look
like more folks have hit the site than really have.
Let me know what you think.



Subject: RE: test
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Thu, April 08, 2010 11:49 pm
To: <>

Great.  Thanks.

Sent: Thu, April 08, 2010 11:37 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: test

Give me a few days and I'll have it setup.  Then we can
post a comment on the Arkansas Times blog and get
the word out.



Subject: RE: test
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Thu, April 08, 2010 9:34 pm
To: <>

Received loud and clear.  When will you have the website ready?

Sent: Thu, April 08, 2010 2:42 pm
Subject: test

testing testing 123

Second, email number 7 (containing number 6 as well):

Subject: RE:
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Mon, April 19, 2010 10:19 pm
To: <>

Okay.  Thaks.

Subject: RE:
Date: Mon, April 19, 2010 10:12 pm
To: LJ Bryant

We're starting to see a few hits.  Give it time. 

From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Mon, April 19, 2010 10:10 pm
To: <>

The post cards were sent out and I had someone post
 to the Arkansas Times blog.  Has the hit count started
going up any?

Text 'bryant' to 313131 for updates
Mail: Bryant for Land Commissioner
405 SW Drive Suite A #137
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 or
PO BOX 1161
Newport, Arkansas 72112
For more information or to make a secure contribution
online please visit:
Phone: 870-376-4458 Democratic Primary: May 18, 2010 Maximum contributions $2,000 per election cycle for person and corporation. $50 of political contributions can be tax deductible for Arkansas income tax purposes. Paid for by Bryant for Land Commissioner. ___________ L. J. Bryant has the experience and preparedness to become Arkansas’ next State Land Commissioner. Bryant is a real estate licensee, small business owner, farm owner, and community activist. "Property taxes are a vital source of revenue for our schools and local governments. The Land Commissioner's office works very hard to restore tax delinquent land to tax-paying status and manage state lands." L.J. Bryant Bryant has a plan to improve the efficiency of the State Land Commissioners office by utilizing the latest technology to market tax delinquent land for auction as well as manage state lands. Bryant will use his legislative experience to work with the legislature to accomplish these goals. Bryant is committed to total transparency for all Land Commission transactions, agreeing to retain a quality web site with daily updating. No employee of the State Land Commission Office will be allowed to accept any gift from any lobbyist—ever! Bryant previously served as Legislative Liaison to the President of the State Senate. He owns Jackson Hewitt Tax Service in Jonesboro and is a Hendrix College graduate.

Emails 8 and 9:

Subject: RE: [FWD: arkansas democrat gazette questions]
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Wed, April 28, 2010 10:49 pm
To: <>

Okay, but wait a few days.  Maybe if you wait he’ll think
it’s someone who just threw up the site and hardly ever
checks the e-mail.  Or maybe he’ll already have the story
finished and won’t push for more details.

Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 10:43 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: [FWD: arkansas democrat gazette questions]

Hell no he doesn't suspect you.  If he did, he wouldn't b
e sending an e-mail to me.  How about I send this:

Well Mike, I'm glad you asked...We are a group of registered
frequent voters who are sick and tired of greedy politicians
like Davenport.  We want someone who isn't going to just take
our tax dollars and run.  We want officials who are responsible
and don't see their offices as a way to make a buck or get perks
on our dime.  We're not affiliated with any campaigns or elected
officials and this website is meant to make our opinion about
Davenport known.  Hopefully we can get the word out about this
greedy SOB and send him packing.  As for what we've spent on
this website, it cost us $108.22 and it's worth every penny if
Davenport loses. 

What do you think?  If he asks for more detail I'll just make up
some alias and say I'm a stock broker or lawyer or something. 

Subject: RE: [FWD: arkansas democrat gazette questions]
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Wed, April 28, 2010 10:15 pm
To: <>

Oh crap!  I don’t know.  Do you think he suspects me?

Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 9:23 am
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: [FWD: arkansas democrat gazette questions]

 Looks like we've got the paper sniffing around.
How do you think I should handle it?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: arkansas democrat gazette questions
From: Mike Wickline <>
Date: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:13 am

1. Who is responsible for this web site?

2. Do you have any connections to any of
the campaigns for land commissioner, a
political party or an elected official?
If so. whom?

3. How much has been spent on the web site?

Note that my e-mail has changed

Number 10 (re: number 8):

Subject: RE: [FWD: RE: arkansas democrat gazette questions]
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Tue, May 04, 2010 6:24 am
To: <>

Just please be careful.  I don’t want anyone to know
I’m affiliated with this website.

Sent: Mon, May 03, 2010 12:47 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: [FWD: RE: arkansas democrat gazette

 FYI, here's my exchange with Wickline.  I haven't heard
anything after him asking me about where I live and what
I do for a living.  I guess he got bored.  Oh well.  I wonder
if he knows who Guy Fawkes is.  If he asks for more detail
about me, I'll tell him my wife's name is Megan.  LOL

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: arkansas democrat gazette questions
Date: Mon, May 03, 2010 11:35 am
To: "Mike Wickline" <>

 I live in Cabot but I'm attorney with a firm
in Little Rock.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: arkansas democrat gazette questions
From: Mike Wickline <>
Date: Mon, May 03, 2010 10:09 am

where you live and what do for a living?

On May 3, 2010, at 10:56 AM, wrote:

>  Sure.  I'm Guy Fawkes.  Though there are 13 of us that talked about
> doing the website before I finally decided to put it up.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: arkansas democrat gazette questions
>> From: Mike Wickline <>
>> Date: Mon, May 03, 2010 9:41 am
>> To:
>> u have a name?
>> On May 3, 2010, at 10:44 AM,
>> wrote:
>> > Well Mike, I'm glad you asked...We are a group
>> of registered frequent
>> > voters who are sick and tired of greedy politicians
like Davenport.
>> > We want someone who isn't going to just take our
tax dollars and run.
>> > We want officials who are responsible and
don't see their offices
>> as a way to make a buck or get perks on our dime.
We're not affiliated
>> > with any campaigns or elected officials and this
website is meant to
>> > make our opinion about Davenport known.  Hopefully
we can get the word
>> > out about this greedy SOB and send him packing.
As for what we've
>> > spent on this website, it cost us $108.22 and it's
worth every penny
>> > if Davenport loses.
>> >
>> >> -------- Original Message --------
>> >> Subject: arkansas democrat gazette questions
>> >> From: Mike Wickline
>> >> Date: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:13 am
>> >> To:
>> >>
>> >> 1. Who is responsible for this web site?
>> >>
>> >> 2. Do you have any connections to any of
the campaigns for land
>> >> commissioner, a political party or an elected
>> >> If so. whom?
>> >>
>> >> 3. How much has been spent on the web site?
>> >>
>> >> Note that my e-mail has changed to:
>> >>
>> >>
>> Note that my e-mail has changed to:
Note that my e-mail has changed to:

Number 12 (containing number 11), in which the website’s owner laughs about BHR buying his story:

Subject: RE: [FWD: Site]
From: LJ Bryant
Date: Fri, May 7, 2010 5:34 am

Okay…leave it up.

Sent: Thu, May 06, 2010 8:19 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: [FWD: Site]

 The website it obviously anti-davenport so it makes
sense to endorse someone else.  It's either you or Berg. 

Subject: RE: [FWD: Site]
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Thu, May 06, 2010 8:11 pm
To: <>

Do you think you should have done that?
Won’t it look suspicious?

Sent: Thu, May 06, 2010 5:28 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: [FWD: Site]

 Looks like the paper isn't the only one that's digging for
information.  I gave him the same song and dance as Wickline
and he seems to have bought it.  He even claims to have done
some further digging on his website and decided I'm a
legitimate group.  HA!  And you were worried.
BTW, I went ahead and endorsed you on the site.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Site
From: Matt <>
Date: Thu, May 06, 2010 11:17 am

Hi, I am the chief admin for
Someone pointed me in the direction of your site today,
and I am going to do a story on Davenport's expenses, etc.
(BHR is backing L.J. Bryant in the Land Comm race.)  I was
just wondering who is behind the


Number 13 and 14:

Subject: RE: And the hate mail starts
From: LJ Bryant
Date: Sun, May 09, 2010 10:55 pm

I just really want to win this election and I’ve spent a lot
of money that I don’t want to see flushed down the tubes.

Sent: Sun, May 09, 2010 11:11 am
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: RE: And the hate mail starts

Yeah, yeah.  I know.  You worry to much. 

Subject: RE: And the hate mail starts
From: LJ Bryant
Date: Sat, May 08, 2010 9:00 pm

Thanks.  Please make sure that you don’t tip them
off that we’re affiliated.

Subject: RE: And the hate mail starts
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Sat, May 08, 2010 9:00 pm
To: <>

Thanks.  Please make sure that you don’t tip them
off that we’re affiliated.

Sent: Sat, May 08, 2010 12:51 pm
To: LJ Bryant
Subject: And the hate mail starts

Man we aren't popular with Monty's friends:

Per Diem, Milage and Expenses have to do with travel.
Monty Davenport lives farther than most in the legislature,
and that is why he has to travel so far and his expenses
are as great as they are.  I'm no fan of Monty Davenport
but you sure have turned me off with all your "Anti-Davenport"

Negative advertising makes us all wonder if you don't have
anything positive to say about yourself.   Probably not.

Jim Smith
Flippin Arkansas


The slanderous piece of s#!t is just that - - -
drop dead twice and put this where the sun
doesn't shine - - - can you stoop any lower?????

Tom Welch

And number 15, in which Bryant checks back in before the election to see if things are still going to plan:

Subject: Hits
From: LJ Bryant <>
Date: Sun, May 16, 2010 10:36 pm
To: <>

I haven’t heard from you in a few days.  Are
the hits still going up?  The election is only a
couple of days away.

UPDATE: The more I think about this, the stranger it becomes.  I mean, assuming these are legit, had Bryant been forthcoming about his role in the website’s creation, it would have been scarcely different from Blanche Lincoln’s site.  Sure, that might have turned some people off, but I have to imagine it was a less-risky maneuver than hoping no one would find out the truth.

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