Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ethics Commission Opens Investigation Into Leslie Rutledge

I received a letter today from the Arkansas Ethics Commission regarding the ethics complaint that I filed against Republican Attorney General candidate Leslie Rutledge a few weeks ago.  The three pages of the letter are below.

The most important part, however, is right there on page 1 (emphasis mine):

This letter serves to confirm receipt of your citizen complaint against Leslie Rutledge.  That complaint was brought against Ms. Rutledge in her capacity as a candidate for Arkansas Attorney General during the 2014 election cycle.

It has been determined that said complaint meets the requirements set forth in subparagraph A(3) of Section V of the Ethics Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.  Accordingly, an investigation is being commenced.

You might recall that this complaint stems from Rutledge’s coordination with a non-approved political action committee, Republican Attorneys General Association, in the creation of a campaign ad.

“But, wait,” you may be saying out loud if you are a person who talks to his or her computer.  “Didn’t Leslie Rutledge declare that this coordination was legal based on an Ethics Commission opinion?”

Yes, hypothetical person, she did.  But, yet again, it would appear that Ms. Rutledge’s legal analysis was somewhat lacking in the “knows what she’s talking about” department.  Good thing she’s not running for an important legal posit–


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