Monday, January 20, 2025

AR-02: Well, That’s One Way To Put It

I was working on the AR-02 social-media analysis, when I noticed something interesting.  Rather than simply tell you, however, I have an idea; let’s play a game.  Tell me what you notice about this screen shot.

Did you see it?  Did you see Timmy! Griffin’s little semantic slight of hand there?  He’s a cunning little minx, he is.  Here, let Matty help you out.

That’s right.  Contrary to the amount of detail he gives in other bullet points (i.e. “Army JAG” rather than simply “JAG,” “Member, Immanuel Bapitist” rather than simply “Baptist”), FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY Tim Griffin refers to that role simply as “Former Prosecutor.”

There are roughly 3,400 full- and part-time attorneys in the Army JAG Corps. Immanuel Baptist Church seats up to 2,000 people at a time. Griffin felt that his role in both of these groups was special enough to warrant specific mention. Yet his position as a U.S. Attorney (even if only interim), a position that only 92 other people hold at any one time, was minimized to “Former Prosecutor.”

If everything were on the up-and-up, Griffin’s choice to downplay his time as Interim U.S. Attorney would seem, at most, curious.  However, given Griffin’s front-and-center role in the firing of Bud Cummins and the scandal surrounding the U.S. Attorney purge, Griffin’s decision to leave “U.S. Attorney” off his resume seems less curious and more — what’s the word?

Oh, yeah, duplicitous.

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