Monday, July 22, 2024

AR-Sen: Pryor “Leaning Toward” Running For Re-Election

In case any of you were lying awake at night, pondering the future of Mark Pryor.

Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor says he’s leaning toward seeking re-election in four years, but says he won’t make a final decision until after the 2012 election.

Pryor told The Associated Press on Thursday he’s inclined to run for a third term but said he won’t decide until closer to the 2014 election.

So, uh…there’s that.

Seriously, I don’t know if my feeling on this leans more toward “so what?” or “why are you kicking us while we’re down?”  But it’s certainly one of those.

Per my written agreement with myself, any post about Mark Pryor must include this:

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