One day after President Obama signed the bill that will ultimately lead to the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” what is being said around the Arkansas internets about this historic change?
- Max says that, not only did President Obama sign the DADT law, but he also hinted at a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. From the article linked in Max’s post: “Repealing DOMA, getting ENDA [a bill to protect LGBT people from discrimination] done, those are things that should be done,” Obama told The Advocate the night before signing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal into law. “I think those are natural next steps legislatively.”
- Blue Arkansas lists DADT repeal among the myriad other successes of the Lame Ducks, noting that the repeal “needs no explanation!”
- The Dem-Gaz carried the story on the front page above the fold, using the stilted phrasing of “Homosexual activists and other supporters” rather than the more accurate and appropriate “homosexual-rights activists” to get in a typical D-G dig.
- The Professor used DADT repeal to further his case that he is the least insightful and least intelligent legislator in recent memory. (If you follow the exchanges that Meeks had with me and others yesterday, you’ll note that his argument changes from “founding principles” to “unit cohesion,” he fails to address the 15th and 19th Amendment issues, and he does not explain how allowing gay soldiers would “destroy our country.”)