Saturday, January 18, 2025

A Fresh Face on the Little Rock Board of Directors? Maybe.

Well this is interesting news. The rumor–as yet unconfirmed, but heard from enough different sources that I tend to believe it–is that Molly Miller is going to run against Joan Adcock for the position 10, at-large seat on the Little Rock Board of Directors.

Miller has a B.A. in politics from Hendrix, where she studied under the inimitable Jay Barth, and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from UAMS. She’s certified in Public Health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners, and she will be receiving her Masters in Public Service from the Clinton School in May.

Professionally, Miller is a consultant for non-profits and a freelance writer, and she has held a couple of different national-level fellowships. She also worked in various campaign and state Democratic party roles over the years, which–full disclosure–is how I came to know her.

Assuming this is true, it would be a very good thing. Adcock, after all, has been little more than a corporate shill and impediment to positive change in the city for years. She has fought late-night clubs and after-hours venues, pushed back against Uber and Little Rock’s anti-discrimination ordinance, has vocally supported the charter-school expansion that looks to siphon money away from the LRSD, and has constantly used her at-large seat as a voice for southwest Little Rock rather than Little Rock as a whole.

In short, if you’ve ever thought that the Little Rock Board of Directors would really benefit from some fresh faces and new blood, this would be a great start toward making that happen. Hopefully, we’ll have another post in the coming days or weeks to confirm that these rumors are true.

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