Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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#ARElections: Down-Ballot Constitutional Offices (9:40 p.m.)

Per Fox 16 online, Shane Broadway and Mark Darr are effectively tied for AR-Lt. Gov. (slight edge to Broadway in total votes), Pat O'Brien and Mark "Reimbursement" Martin are effectively tied for AR-Sec. State (slight edge to O'Brien in total votes),...

#ARElections: Constitutional Offices (Treasurer and Auditor called)

Arkansas Business updates the down-ballot state races: AR-Lt. Gov: Shane Broadway by 4 over Mark Darr (9% repoerting) AR-Sec. State: Pat O'Brien by 4 over Mark Martin (9% reporting). AR-Treasurer: CALLED for Martha Shoffner over Bobby Tullis ...

#ARElections: Constitutional Offices (8:30pm)

Governor has already been called for Mike Beebe.  Down-ballot, you have the following:  Shane Broadway leads Mark Darr by 18%, Dusting McDaniel leads by 56%, Mark Martin leads by 20% (because, apparently, people didn't get the memo that he is not the...

Arkansas Election Line: Final 2010 Ratings

The Arkansas Election Line — a collaboration of Talk Business, The Tolbert Report, and Blue Hog Report — returns with our final ratings of the 2010 state and federal elections in Arkansas.  With one exception, the ratings remain unchanged from our l...

ARGOP: What They Don’t Know Can Hurt Us

On Friday, Lieutenant Governor candidate Mark Darr retweeted a message from Representative Ed Garner. RepEdGarner Elim AR Cap Gains Tax! RT @markdarr: We have to get our tax structure in line to compete w other states & become biz friendly. W...

End-of-Day Miscellany: It’s Friday, You Ain’t Got No Job…

Loverboy was right; everybody's blogging for the weekend.  Or something like that. Jason Tolbert points to Timmy! Griffin taking his ridiculous radio ad to a television screen near you. No, you are not high1; Tim Griffin is actually making CHARA...

End-of-Day Miscellany: “Updates! Getchyer Updates Here!” Edition

I see. So, what you're saying is that even though you are an almost-paralyzed, multiphobic personality who is in a constant state of panic, your wife did not leave you; you left her because she ... didn't get to this stuff? It has been a little...

AR-Land Comm: Thurston Gets It

Credit where it's due: as promised by his campaign earlier today, John Thurston replied to my email. I just spoke with the Ethics Commission.  You are absolutely right according to law a PAC must have a registered resident agent.  Although, she s...

AR-GOP: Penny For Your Thoughts?

Last week, I noted that Rep. Mark Martin had illegally accepted a donation from an improperly formed Political Action Committee (PAC), the Twin Lakes Republican Women’s Club. Well, predictably (because PACs generally donate to a bunch of candidates,...

Arkansas Election Line: Constitutional Officers

Back in June, after the primary and run-off elections (or partisan primary and general primary, if you want be specific about such things), the Election Line rated all of the constitutional offices that featured both a Republican and a Democrat.  At ...

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