Thursday, July 18, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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Hit the line! Hit the line! Keep fundraising!

  When last we left Lt. Gov. Mark Darr, we were neck deep in what appeared to be repeated improper uses of campaign funds for personal expenses. I ended that post by suggesting that Part 2 was forthcoming.  That was not a lie; there wi...

Mark Darr Has A Problem With His CC&E Reports

Let's start with what this post is not: it is not, in any way, a minimization or excuse for what Sen. Paul Bookout did. Quite the opposite, in fact; this is a post showing how use of campaign funds for personal expenses is not a partisan issue.I sup...

Thoughts & Observations About Campbell v. Martin

As Secretary of State Mark Martin continues to waste tax dollars by appealing yesterday's disqualification of his hired attorneys, rather than simply letting his in-house attorneys or the Attorney General's office handle something as straightforward ...

Like rewarding hard work? Then support Obamacare.

Hi, everybody. Matt Campbell has handed me the keys to his blog, and I’m going to take it out for a spin. But where to start? How about with a little talk about a poll? Two right-leaning ones were released this week claiming to show the inevit...

An Un-Conservative Truth

"Tort reform" is nothing more than a lie, perpetuated by lobbyists and assholes (redundant, I know), and designed to hurt regular people.

Tim Griffin Uses Sexual Assault To Show How Little He Thinks Of Constituents

I am 95% sure that Rep. Tim Griffin is not an idiot. After all, while there have certainly been idiots in Congress (both in the past and currently), I doubt there are many idiots who have managed to ingratiate themselves to Karl Rove, intentio...

BHR Presents A New Writer

A little over a month ago, I put out a call for people interested in writing for Blue Hog Report. In the back of my head, I questioned whether anyone would really want to sign up for a seat on the S.S. Troublemaker. To my surprise, a couple people...

A Funny Thing About Mark Martin’s Hiring Of Outside Counsel….

There are any number of reasons that a person might find himself in a lawsuit against the Arkansas Secretary of State. Maybe he wants to have his name on a ballot. Maybe he wants to have an issue placed on a ballot (or have an issue NOT placed...

Whatever, Ethics! Jason Rapert Does What He Wants!

You know that clear rule about campaigns not being allowed to donate directly to another campaign unless it's for a "ticketed event" or some other shady loophole? Yeah...Jason Rapert doesn't care about such things. He donates how he wants to donate, because 'Merica! Freedom! Librul bias!

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