Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

You, Flock of Seagulls ... you know why we're here? Why don't you tell my man, Vincent, which links we didn't get to today? Max takes issue with some apparent Republican hypocrisy vis-a-vis John Boozman's terminology for the President and Spe...

AR-01, -02: The same, but different

The National Journal runs down the 60 most interesting congressional races of 2010. Not surprisingly, AR-02 and AR-01 are listed. AR-02: 4. Arkansas-02 Open Seat (D) (Last ranking: 6) Bill Clinton is heading back to Arkansas this week in an...

Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

Here's what I didn't get to on a sloooow news day: Jason Tolbert covered the Mike Beebe Campaign Kick-off event today, and noted that the ol' Gov isn't singing the same song re: President Obama as he was in 2008.  I am saving my retrospective...

Campaign 2010: Milquetoast Is The New Black

Nate Silver has an interesting post on the extent that Republicans and Democrats are mentioning healthcare reform on their campaign websites and the tone in which they discuss it. Excluding the broad subject of the economy, which we divided into se...

AR-Sen: Lincoln Launches First Attack Ad (Math Optional)

I can't decide if Blanche Lincoln keeps saying "23-percent sales tax" because she wants her statement to match the face of John Boozman's proposed bill (and thus preempt any pro-Boozman whining about how the tax is "only" twenty-three percent) or...

AR-04 [Update]: Rankin Also Refuses To Divulge That Sun Will Rise In East Tomorrow

A couple days ago, I noted that Beth Anne Rankin was telling fans of her Facebook page that, despite their wanting to know when and where they could meet her on her trip to Mena, she " post every detail."  Because, you know, heaven forbid that you mi...

AR-04: Wait…What?

For lack of a better (read: more easily accessible) definition, I note that Wikipedia defines "town hall meeting" as: A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting. Everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, and hear t...

MS-Gov: Spelign iz harrd

Ah, Mississippi, where would we be without you as a punchline?  Thank you for just being you.

Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

Here's the stuff we didn't get to today (or yesterday, as the case may be): Blue Arkansas says supporting the DREAM Act and painting Timmy! Griffin as a carpetbagger are winning issues for Joyce Elliott in AR-02.  Sixty days out from the gene...

AR-02: You Were Saying Something About “Best Intentions?” Oh, You Were Finished?! Well Allow Me To Retort!

Regarding Joyce Elliott's chances and the recent Talk Business poll, Blue Arkansas writes: This was always going to be difficult. But like I said from the beginning, Elliott’s path to victory has always been one that involved a big win in Pulaski...

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