Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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Off-Topic: Greetings from space

The very awesome picture above is the first full-sky picture from the Planck Telescope.  Launched in 2009 and costing € 700MM, the Planck Telescope is on a mission to measure tiny variations in the oldest light in the universe --- cosmic microwave ...

Econ 101: On Federal Spending And Flawed Analogies

One of the best parts of having a blog --- along with the international fame, untold riches, and scores of supermodels --- is the ability to jump into other people's online conversations, even when no one actually asked your opinion.  So it was that ...

HCR: Reform Bill To Tax Wounded Veterans For Prosthetics? Not Really.

If you follow GOP talking points at all, you might have heard that the healthcare reform bill is imposing a tax on users of prosthetic limbs and that, despite benevolent attempts by Republicans to the contrary, Democrats even voted not to exempt vete...

AR-House 46: Some People Never Learn. And Some Of Those People Want To Be Your Rep.

There are plenty of things in this world that I don't pretend to understand. Things like "why does Glenn Beck unironically wear unlaced Chuck Taylors with a sport coat?" and "why, exactly, is Kim Kardashian famous" top the list, but I also realize t...

AR-01: Karmic Smackdown…ENGAGE!

June didn't turn out to be too kind to Tim Wooldridge.  First, he loses the runoff election to Chad Causey.  Now it seems that he's been canned from his paying gig as well. File this under "Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Guy" News: The Arkansas Assoc...

AR-02 In The Blogs: Timmy! v. Elliott Is Must-See TV

Or whatever the political equivalent of "must-see TV" is, according to Suzi Parker's article for Talk Business. The most interesting race in Arkansas may not be between Senator Blanche Lincoln and Rep. John Boozman. Rather the battle to watch? The ...

AL-02: Nuttier Than Squirrel Turds

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Arkansas-centric political blogging for this ad from Alabama's second congressional district. In the crazy-cake-taking contest, the ominous "SLAVERY" from ol' Abe takes the cake, but that ad was nuts on a ...

AR-House 46: More On Meeks And His “Solutions”

I debated with myself whether to continue talking about David Meeks and his lack of understanding of, inter alia, the health care reform bill.  I finally decided that I was not going to respond to any more of his Tweets, at least on this issue.  To m...

AR-House 46 [Follow-Up]: That word…you keep using it. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I have found that, as a general rule, the more ridiculous someone is in his or her initial position on an issue, the more quickly he will paint himself into a logical corner when discussing it or attempt to change the subject altogether by playing th...

AR-House 46: When Ignorance Attacks!

Every now and then, Jeff will listen to Rush Limbaugh despite knowing full well that Rush will undoubtedly say something so false and inflammatory that Jeff will turn off the radio in disgust.  Likewise, I have a friend who will occasionally turn on ...

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