Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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AR-Sen: Oh, Come On. Seriously?

Senator Blanche Lincoln gave her reaction to President Obama's national address regarding the BP oil spill. And, lest ye be worried that she no longer thinks voters are complete morons who will buy anything she says, she made sure to continue that q...

BHR Wonders: Two’s Company; Three’s An Option?

A week ago, on the eve of the runoff elections, Jeff and I were discussing the possibility of a Robbie Wills victory and what that might mean between now and November. Specifically, we wondered whether a Wills win would open the door for a third-par...

AR-Land Comm: Arkansans Cast 140K Votes Against Status Quo

It's always nice when a candidate who you were already pulling for does something that makes you even happier that you supported him in the first place. Last night, the Mrs. and I arrived at L.J. Bryant's watch party at the Peabody about ten minut...

AR-Sen: White House Giving Lincoln The Silent Treatment?

The Huffington Post thinks so. The White House is still formally supporting Sen. Blanche Lincoln's re-election bid as the Arkansas Democratic primary approaches its runoff vote on Tuesday. But over the past few weeks, as the incumbent senator's p...

AR-Sen: It’s Never A Good Sign When The Better Answer Is “Utter Incompetence”

Over the weekend, the Blue Arkansas gang did a tremendous job of following the debacle that is early voting in the runoff election in Garland County.  They covered the surprising twist of polls not being open the day after Garland County election com...

AR-Land Comm: Once Is An Oversight, Twice Is A Trend

How's this for consistency?  Twice in the last five day, someone at the Democrat-Gazette has written about the email incident.  Both times, the writer incorrectly stated one of the facts unearthed by BHR. On Thursday, Mike...

AR-Sen: Lincoln’s Final Ad

If Bill Halter's most recent ad was a second lesson in "it's not what you say, it's what people hear," Blanche Lincoln's new ad could serve as a case study in what happens when you don't follow that rule. At the very least, it presents a nice opport...

AR-Sen: Halter’s Final Ad

My apologies. We got so embroiled in the Land Commissioner email story that I forgot to post Bill Halter and Blanche Lincoln's final pre-runoff ads. First, Halter: I mentioned after Halter's previous ad that I was impressed with the work of ...

AR-Land Comm: Davenport’s New Ad, Now With 100% Less Guitar Playing!

Meh. It's not a bad ad, per se, and it is definitely better than his previous ad. Though, let's be honest, he didn't set the bar real high on that one, what with the random 2-second song break. At the same time, it reminds me of this ad from D...

AR-01: Wooldridge Lies About Causey Lying, Insults BHR

First it was Blanche Lincoln. Then it was Robbie Wills. Now we can add Tim Wooldridge to the list of candidates who are basing their ads on a belief that voters are too dumb to separate truth from fiction. Ooooh, the scary narrator voice t...

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