Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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AR-Land Comm [Update]: I’m Getting Dizzy

The website is back up. Sorta. In place of the previous page is this graphic: In case that is too small to read, here is what it says: ATTENTION: ...

AR-02: Wills Embraces Absurdity, Sends Out Second Mailer

Given the overwhelming negative response to Robbie Wills' most recent mailer, you would think that he and his camp would have had the common sense not to continue down that path. You would be wrong. Ugh. Jeff already hit on all the r...

AR-02: Elliott’s New Ad Rings Familiar Bell

Update: Because I don't think I was totally clear in the post that follows, I just wanted to put up front that I think it was a good ad in that it had a snappy punchline and called Wills out on his hypocrisy. My beef is only with the ad's split mess...

AR-Land Comm: [Addendum] One Other Thought

Grab your tinfoil hats and ponder the following email I just received: Maybe a Republican is behind the site. They created it when they thought Davenport was the threat, and now they're smearing LJ since they're worried about him too. Oddly enough,...

AR-Land Comm: [Follow-Up] Follow Me Into The Rabbit Hole

Wow.  I suppose it shouldn't be surprising, but I spent much of last evening working through the big-picture details surrounding the emails alleged to have been between L.J. Bryant and the webmaster for (the now defunct)  No...

AR-01: Causey Launches New Ad, “Quotes” BHR

OK, first, the ad. I like it. While I credited Bill Halter and L.J. Bryant recently for not mentioning their opponents, I think Chad Causey is smart to mention Tim Wooldridge here. Wooldridge has gone on the offensive by playing up perceived p...

AR-Land Comm: [Breaking] Bryant Behind ?

That certainly looks to be the case. Back when we first mentioned, I wrote: While I am reasonably sure that this fellow (?) isn’t really a 16th century Englishman plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament, I think th...

AR-Land Comm: Davenport’s Role In The Continued Exploitation of Crooked Creek

With early voting for the June 8 preferential primary runoff election starting today and BP's profits-over-protection methods still in the news, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at Monty Davenport's record of putting himself and his i...

AR-Sen: And The Crowd Goes…Mild.

Via Daily Kos, here's a picture of the crowd at the Clinton-Lincoln Dog & Pony Show: Blanche Lincoln 2010: Catch The Thrill! (Also, if this picture is representative of the overall demographics of the crowd, holding the event at Philand...

AR-Sen: Philander Smith as Prop?

That's the charge by Bill Halter, anyway. On the eve of former President Bill Clinton's planned return to Arkansas to boost Sen. Blanche Lincoln's reelection campaign, Democratic primary challenger Bill Halter's campaign is charging Lincoln with ...

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