Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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AR-Sen: What A Difference A Day Makes

An overnight poll by Research 2000, as reported by Democracy for America, shows Bill Halter ahead of Blanche Lincoln.  Among the questions asked: QUESTION: Who did you vote for in the Democratic Primary election today, Blanche Lincoln, Bill Halter,...

Thoughts From Last Night

Three watch parties, about 100 shaken hands, one photo with Lt. Gov. Halter, and some 12:30am chocolate chip cookies later, here we are.  If my pounding head and the 140 emails I've received since 7:00pm are any indication, last night was both fu...

AR-Sen [Follow-Up]: More On Lincoln’s Absentee Voting

As noted here, Blanche Lincoln and her husband showed up at St. James Methodist church in West Little Rock to vote this morning and were told that the roll showed them as having already voted.  This was due to their prior request of absentee ballots ...

AR-Sen: Six Hours Down, Six To Go

Two observations from mid-way through the 2010 preferential primary. First, on a personal-experience note, there were six people ahead of me when I arrived at my polling place.  Eavesdropping (because what else am I going to do?), I heard one say ...

AR-02: Schrödinger’s Cat And A Rural Surge

In 1935, physicist Erwin Schrödinger described a now-famous paradox in quantum mechanics.  The model of quantum physics most widely used at the time held that, until it is actually measured, a sub-atomic particle is in all of its possible states (kno...

AR-Sen, et al.: Final Arkansas Election Line ratings

Via Talk Business, here are the final Arkansas Election Line ratings: For the U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress and statewide constitutional offices, here are our final thoughts: U.S. Senate – Leans GOP GOP Primary - Safe Boozman Dem Primary - Toss Up...

AR-Land Comm: Bryant Getting Love In The Press

In what is great news for people who like progress and advancement, it seems that more voters and news outlets are starting to take notice of L.J. Bryant.  Case in point, today's Dem-Gazette: After the jump, another editorial and a reader's le...

AR-Sen: New DK/R2K Poll Suggests Run-Off Likely

New numbers out today from Daily Kos/Research 2000.  Long story short, Blanche Lincoln has gained three points (up from 43 to 46), and Bill Halter has gained two (35 to 37) since the last DK/R2K poll was released.  D.C. Morrison is still polling in t...

5 Questions: Bill Halter

1. Senator Lincoln has tried time and time again to tie your name to "outsourcing." As a real response to such a claim does not lend itself to 30-second commercials or soundbite talking points, would you care to reply to the allegations here...

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