Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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AR-Sen: Friday Poorly Done Campaign Commercial Trifecta Hits!

First it was Tim Wooldridge.  Then it was Chad Causey.  If you had Chamber of Commerce qua Blanche Lincoln for the third slot on your card, you win! Holy. Crap. Seriously? No, I mean seriously?  At no point during the planning, filming, ...

AR-01: /bangs head against desk

It seems Tim Wooldridge isn't the only candidate in AR-01 to roll out a new commercial; Chad Causey has a new one as well. Interestingly enough, the ads have some similarities.  Both seem to feature the candidate in a situation with a truck.  Bo...

AR-01: Wooldridge Is Not A Carburetor?

Noted horrible person Tim Wooldridge has a new commercial out. If metaphors were people, whomever designed this ad would be wanted for murder. I mean, is Wooldridge the carburetor?  That would kind of make sense, inasmuch as the carburetor ...

AR-02: Wills Pledges No Negative Campaigning In Primary

I just received the following from Robbie Wills' campaign: Wills Pledges No Negative Campaigning In Primary Says attacks hurt party, takes attention away from issues Little Rock, AR  April 29, 2010 – Today Speaker Robbie Wills issued a st...

AR-Sen [Follow-Up]: Lincoln To Keep Goldman Donations

Remember the halcyon days of yesterweek when Blanche Lincoln gave a straightforward "no" when asked if she would return the Goldman Sachs' campaign contributions?  Remember how I wrote: y playing the “they had paid off TARP” card as an excuse for a...

AR-02:To Tweet Or Not To Tweet

Query: If Patrick Kennedy is supposed to be the technology-embracing, modern candidate who mixes old school and new school campaigning, why didn't someone from his staff live-Tweet the debate?  I mean, John Adams (see here), Robbie Wills (see here), ...

AR-02: [Follow-up] Let He Who Is Without Clerical Oversight Cast The First Stone

In response to David Boling's statement regarding alleged FEC reporting violations by the Robbie Wills campaign, Wills' campaign manager, Kyle Gott, issued a reply: Only three months removed from Washington, D.C., David Boling wants to attack a cle...

AR-Sen: Lincoln Leads, Still Lacks 50%+1

I have absolutely no idea how I failed to mention this last week, but the latest Daily Kos / Research 2000 poll has Blanche Lincoln leading Bill Halter 45% to 33%, with 6% for D.C. Morrison and 16% still undecided (+/- 5% margin of error). That ga...

AR-Sen [Follow-up]: Lincoln To Keep Goldman Donations

In a timely follow-up to my last post, Firedoglake reports that Blanche Lincoln will not return the donations her campaign received from Goldman Sachs despite the civil fraud lawsuit now pending against Goldman (and despite her earlier statement that...

AR-01: Cook Distinct Among Congressional Candidates

A week ago, I linked to a Baxter Bulletin article about the April 10, 2010 AR-01 Democratic debate that bemoaned the lack of distinguishing features among the six candidates.  In that article, Bulletin writer Frank Wallis stated: A so-called debate ...

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