Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Search results for: BlueHogReport

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AR-Sen: A Smattering Of Stuff On Lincoln And Halter

(Plus an unavoidable mention of D.C. Morrison.) MSNBC First Read's "First Thoughts" post has two nuggets about the AR-Sen race.  The more noteworthy entry of the two is from Luke Russert's interview with Bill Clinton.  Asked to opine on the Halter...

AR-Sen: New Talk Business Poll Released

Talk Business polled 1,167 statewide voters regarding their preference in the Democratic preferential primary for U.S. Senator.  The results: 38%  Blanche Lincoln 31%  Bill Halter 10%  D.C. Morrison 20%  Undecided The margin of error is +/- 3%, ...

AR-02: Kennedy Releases 1Q Fundraising Totals

Remember the halcyon days of last week, when I opined: I would speculate further and say that there is little reason to think Kennedy beat Adams’ $50,000 in 1Q fundraising, given that Kennedy did not immediately try to trump the surprise of Adams’...

AR-02: Kennedy Tweets Boldly; Explains Meekly

Blake Rutherford has an absolutely fantastic post regarding the following tweet by Patrick Kennedy: The arc of a career politician is long and bends towards corruption. PK 12:34 AM April 12th In response to this, Blake emailed Kennedy and asked...

AR-01: News and Notes

The Baxter County Democratic Club hosted a debate tonight featuring all six Democrat AR-01 candidates. Candidates will give opening and closing statements. They will also be answering questions from a moderator about healthcare, the economy, forei...

AR-Sen, AR-01: In The Blogs

Blanche Lincoln:  Bill Halter takes money from organized labor, and he will answer to them rather than to the voters. Reality: Pot, meet kettle.  (h/t Blue Arkansas Blog) **** I have a short post upcoming about some potential issues with the...

AR-02: Elliott Endorsed by LR Fire Fighters

Little Rock Firefighters Association today endorsed Joyce Elliott. Joyce has been one of the real heroes in state legislature for working families, said Morehead.  As our Congresswoman, I know Joyce will be a tireless advocate for our fire fighte...

AR-02: More On Social Media In Campaigns

Yesterday, I mentioned the seeming lack of understanding by Arkansas candidates on how to implement a coherent social media strategy.  As luck would have it, Patrick Kennedy posted a Facebook note touching (somewhat) on this issue yesterday as well. ...

Who is BHR?

Blue Hog Report (BHR) is a blog devoted (almost) exclusively to Arkansas politics, and is unabashedly progressive, populist, and liberal in our leanings. It was founded by Matt Campbell in March of 2010, and has won numerous awards and been the f...

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